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Got a DNA kit on your bucket list? National Geographic's Geno 2.0 is on sale for $30 off on Amazon.


This past holiday season, you could barely get on social media without seeing at least one person post about a DNA kit — meaning if you haven't done one yet, you're missing out.

You should really stop putting it off: National Geographic's Geno 2.0 test is on sale for $30 off at Amazon today, meaning you can experience the magic for just $69.

Grab one for yourself or prep some Mother's Day or Father's Day gifts for this year — we'd bet they've been wanting to try one.

With Geno 2.0, you'll do a deep dive into your regional ancestry with a percentage breakdown going back as far as 500,000 years and comparing data from 60 populations. This can be separated into mtDNA (maternal line) and Y-DNA (paternal line) tracing, and you can even discover the anthropological story of how your ancestors lived. Everything can be reached right on the Geno 2.0 app, where you can also access a custom video of your journey. Read more...

More about National Geographic, Dna Test, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Amazon, and Shopping Fun

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