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Horny and romantic books that will completely consume you

Horny and romantic books that will completely consume you

May is National Masturbation Month, and we're celebrating with Feeling Yourself, a series exploring the finer points of self-pleasure.

The first few weeks of lockdown, I couldn't read a single page without my mind wandering elsewhere. 

A phone call with a very dear friend soon made me realise it wasn't so much reading, but the type of books I was choosing, that was the problem. 

On my friend's advice I switched from non-fiction to fiction, and picked Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan as my first read. I guzzled it and quickly realised my friend was spot on. What I needed right now was compelling, readable fiction with intoxicating central relationships.  Read more...

More about Books, Sex And Relationships, Feeling Yourself, Culture, and Sex Relationships

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