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Overcast app's big redesign helps it compete with Apple Podcasts

Marco Arment's Overcast has long served as an alternative to Apple Podcasts with features you don't often see elsewhere, but there's little doubt Apple has stepped up its game in recent years — and Arment has redesigned his app to match. The newly released (and still free) Overcast 2022.2 for iOS centers around a major interface rework that better reflects how you listen to podcast episodes. You'll now have quick access to new and recently played podcasts from the home screen, and you can pin must-listen shows. You can also filter your podcast list to look at actively updated shows, all shows or even inactive productions.

The revamp also includes a few much-needed management tools. You can finally mark a podcast as played — yes, Apple and others have provided this for a while. You can also create playlists that only show starred, downloaded and in-progress episodes. If you're fond of personalization, you can customize the look and order of playlists as well as the color of playback controls.

These additions won't necessarily persuade you to ditch Apple Podcasts if you're already heavily invested. Some of them are more catch-up features than unique selling points. However, they might make Overcast more compelling if you're either frustrated with Apple's app or didn't want to give up a few must-have features just to use Overcast-specific perks like voice boosting and dead air reduction.


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