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Treat your dog with this bacon-flavored CBD oil for pets, on sale for 29% off


You've probably heard about some of the anecdotal medical benefits of CBD for us humans, but did you know that your dog can get in on the action, too? No, you won't find doggie doobies on pet store shelves anytime soon, but you *can* pick up a bottle of dog-friendly cannabidiol (CBD) oil as an all-natural solution to various ailments.  

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant that's taken the pet wellness market by storm in recent months as an oral remedy for arthritis, anxiety, stress, seizures, and various sources of chronic pain. It's also picked up steam as a palliative measure for pups with cancer, allegedly helping them feel more comfortable and manage symptoms like nausea and loss of appetite. Read more...

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